Thursday 17 April 2008

My Autobiography

My Autobiography

I’m twenty years old and a student in Alzahra University. I was born on a cold but beautiful wintery night when the silvery shining moon was covered with dark murkish gray clouds and soft white snowflakes were floating down as a sign of peace coming back very soon to a country which had endured eight years of destructive war.
It was on the fifth of March which my eyes were opened to a new world , a world which like a big book had many unread chapters for me to go through, a world like a play which gives you roles in unwanted scenes.
I spent my primary years in Hara School, and as for my high school years I studied in Soodeh and Besat. For the last and most important year of my education I entered Alavi Institute.
I grew up with the endless love for the Arts; my life long dream was to be an Artist and an Animator. But unfortunately my family saw no interest or future in my liking for Art and Music, so the harder I fought for my thoughts and beliefs the harder it became.
And now, after a choice between bad and worse, I’m here in Alzahra University as an English literature student, with a somehow satisfied family and envious relatives, jealous of this very lucky girl!

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