Sunday 27 April 2008

My Friend

My Friend

If I were to describe the character of my dearest friend, it would be in these terms:
She is a very strong girl. When she makes up her mind to do something, she does it no matter how hard it will be and no matter how many obstacles in her way.
She is so sweet tempered just like a little bird. So nice, so kind and generous in everything she does. She’s got a tender heart towards every being.
Her appearance is fine; she’s six feet tall with medium straight, dark brown hair and shiny sky blue eyes.
On the whole she is one handsome girl with pearly white skin, a proud smile and an affectionate heart.

Thursday 17 April 2008

My Autobiography

My Autobiography

I’m twenty years old and a student in Alzahra University. I was born on a cold but beautiful wintery night when the silvery shining moon was covered with dark murkish gray clouds and soft white snowflakes were floating down as a sign of peace coming back very soon to a country which had endured eight years of destructive war.
It was on the fifth of March which my eyes were opened to a new world , a world which like a big book had many unread chapters for me to go through, a world like a play which gives you roles in unwanted scenes.
I spent my primary years in Hara School, and as for my high school years I studied in Soodeh and Besat. For the last and most important year of my education I entered Alavi Institute.
I grew up with the endless love for the Arts; my life long dream was to be an Artist and an Animator. But unfortunately my family saw no interest or future in my liking for Art and Music, so the harder I fought for my thoughts and beliefs the harder it became.
And now, after a choice between bad and worse, I’m here in Alzahra University as an English literature student, with a somehow satisfied family and envious relatives, jealous of this very lucky girl!