Sunday 25 May 2008

The Osage Indians

The Osage Indians

I think there is no difference between Indians and Whites. It’s not important what color and from what nationality you are, it’s the point that we are all humans and all from one planet-the earth-that is important.
I agree with Irving’s writing. He describes the Indians without any prejudice.
The Indians might seem stony-faced as Parkman describes them but it’s only from the outside and it’s not true within. They too, like other human beings have feelings and emotions. As Irving brings in his writings that the Indians had boisterous merriment at their games and sat round a fire until at night, engaged in the most animated and lively conversation, and at times they made the woods resound with pleas of laughter.
I don’t believe in Parkman’s words that the Indians are untrustworthy and treacherous, because in Irving’s writing the Indian who found the white man’s horse hadn’t stole it, but brought it back to its owner. And it was the white man who instead of thanking him accused him of theft and wanted to lash him by the “lynches law”.
In another part Parkman says Indians are icy and taciturn, but they are not like that. Its only, according to Irving, when they are in the company of people who they distrust that they are careful of their actions, and so may seem unsociable but that’s how all of us act when facing the may be enemy.
As for the part where Parkman indicates that Indians are unbending, we can see the contrary in Irving’s writing for the Indians have accepted some of the white men’s new ways, like drinking coffee and having farmhouses instead of tents.

Sunday 27 April 2008

My Friend

My Friend

If I were to describe the character of my dearest friend, it would be in these terms:
She is a very strong girl. When she makes up her mind to do something, she does it no matter how hard it will be and no matter how many obstacles in her way.
She is so sweet tempered just like a little bird. So nice, so kind and generous in everything she does. She’s got a tender heart towards every being.
Her appearance is fine; she’s six feet tall with medium straight, dark brown hair and shiny sky blue eyes.
On the whole she is one handsome girl with pearly white skin, a proud smile and an affectionate heart.

Thursday 17 April 2008

My Autobiography

My Autobiography

I’m twenty years old and a student in Alzahra University. I was born on a cold but beautiful wintery night when the silvery shining moon was covered with dark murkish gray clouds and soft white snowflakes were floating down as a sign of peace coming back very soon to a country which had endured eight years of destructive war.
It was on the fifth of March which my eyes were opened to a new world , a world which like a big book had many unread chapters for me to go through, a world like a play which gives you roles in unwanted scenes.
I spent my primary years in Hara School, and as for my high school years I studied in Soodeh and Besat. For the last and most important year of my education I entered Alavi Institute.
I grew up with the endless love for the Arts; my life long dream was to be an Artist and an Animator. But unfortunately my family saw no interest or future in my liking for Art and Music, so the harder I fought for my thoughts and beliefs the harder it became.
And now, after a choice between bad and worse, I’m here in Alzahra University as an English literature student, with a somehow satisfied family and envious relatives, jealous of this very lucky girl!

Saturday 8 March 2008

How to wite an Autobiography

How to Write an Autobiography

When writing an autobiography, you focus on three major things: who you are in life, what life means to you and what your outlook on the future is.
"Autobiographies have been written since A.D. 400 when an early Christian leader, Saint Augustine, wrote his." An autobiography is information about one's own life written by that one person. In it, it tells what that person's life is all about. When writing your own autobiography, use interesting facts to explain as much about yourself as you can.
The first thing you do when writing an autobiography is start off with a lot of facts about your life; for example, when and where you were born, where you live (city and state), where you go to school and who you live with. You have to give a lot of information so your reader can clearly understand what is going on. Once you have written this introduction, you are ready to start your first paragraph of the autobiography.
Who you are in life?
The best way to start an autobiography is to state your name. When you are writing this paragraph, you usually explain the type of person you are; use facts about yourself such as: have you won any awards? What types of awards have you won? Did you finish school? Do you plan on going to college?
What life means to you?
This is now your second paragraph. In this paragraph you should state how you see life--what does life mean to you. Are you happy or sad? Do you have a lot of friends or just a few? How do you make your school days go by? Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? What are your favorite places to go on dates? How long have you been dating? If you are involved in a relationship, do you think it will last forever?
What is your outlook on the future?
In this paragraph you should explain what you think the future will be like. Pick a year and explain how it will be but explain it through your eyes. Where will you be? How will you be living? Will you be married? Will there be any kids? Who will you be married to? What is he/she like? How long will you have been together?
The conclusion is the last paragraph of your autobiography and an important one, too. In the conclusion you usually try to re-word the introduction and add some type of closure to bring the whole autobiography together.

Wednesday 5 March 2008

Mark Twain

Mark Twain: A Simple Biography

The simple facts of writer Mark Twain's life are these: he was born November 30, 1835, with the appearance of Haley's Comet, had a remarkable literary career, and died April 21, 1910, the next year that the comet appeared. These facts, while relevant, hardly contain the story of Twain's life. Samuel Clemens was the sixth of seven children for John Marshall and Jane Lampton Clemens and one of only four to survive to adulthood. He grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, where he later set the adventures of Tom Sawyer, a character based on his childhood friend Tom Blankenship. After Sam's father's death in 1847, he became a printer's apprentice and later worked as a riverboat pilot; this was the career that furnished his famous pseudonym (a mark was a depth measurement, and twain means "two") and the material for many of his books.

His next job was as an itinerant reporter, which gave him the connections and stories to do his first performances on a lecture circuit. In 1868, he visited his friend Charley Langdon in New York, primarily because of his infatuation with Charley's sister Olivia. Clemens proposed three times before Livy agreed, though by all accounts they loved each other their entire lives. They had four children-Langdon, who died in infancy, Susy, Clara and Jean. During this time, the family moved to Hartford and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) were written. They were followed by A Tramp Abroad (1880), inspired by the Clemens family's visit to Europe and The Prince and the Pauper (1881). The family often traveled abroad, as Clemens struggled with debt and investments. He was working on The Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc (1896) traveling on a European lecture circuit when he received word that his daughter Susy had died of spinal meningitis. It was several years before the family returned to America, where Livy's health declined; they went back to Europe and on June 5, 1904, she died in Italy. Clemens was devastated. These deaths likely contributed to his bitter and angry portrayal of humanity in his later writings.

For the remaining six years of his life, Clemens became increasingly isolated. Jean was committed to a series of sanitariums after attempting to kill their long-time maid, and though Clara lived with him, their relationship had always been troubled, in part because of her ambitions to be a singer. Her father strongly discouraged this; his own Victorian ideas of propriety are a possible reason. Her choice of a public profession-or the simple fact that she had a profession- reflected on him as a father, as well, and may well have made him feel like a failure as a Victorian parent. It is also possible that he wanted to keep her from the public life because he knew the cost of fame from his own experiences; he often traveled without his family and knew the loneliness of the road. Perhaps to replicate the relationship he had had with his daughters in the past, he cultivated a series of friendships with young girls whom he called his "Angelfish." He was awarded an honorary degree from Oxford University in 1908 and Jean returned home for the first time in years in 1909. On Christmas Eve of that same year, Jean, who was epileptic, suffered a seizure and drowned in the bathtub. Clemens left for the Bahamas, one of his favorite locations, and returned only when his health was truly failing. He passed away April 21, 1910, in his home.

The Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc (1896) was published when Susy died of spinal meningitis in 1896; however, there is much to suggest that her father wrote it as paean of praise for his favorite daughter. Clemens's relationship with his other two children was always troubled. Additionally, Susy was the first child born after the death of Langdon, Sam and Livy's only son and firstborn child, which likely gave her a sentimental place in her father's heart. Personal Recollections may be read as a book praising the True Woman and her attributes, but it also cites Susy as a living representation of those attributes. In praising Susy, Clemens also indirectly applauded Livy, his beloved True Woman wife, who raised their eldest daughter to be so like Livy herself. In so doing, however, he also criticizes his two other daughters, Clara, whose musical aspirations he did not support, and Jean, an epileptic whose mental instability would cause him heartache her entire life. If Susy is Joan, then Clara and Jean are the imperfect novices who ought to learn from her saintly example. In a way, Susy had to be the "good" daughter by default. She died at age twenty-four, before she and her father ever experienced the sort of conflict he had with Clara, or before any latent mental illnesses exposed themselves as they did with Jean.

Surprisingly, all the Clemens girls loved Personal Recollections, in part because they believed the public undervalued their father's talent as a serious writer. And since Susy died the year of its publication, perhaps Clara and Jean saw only the best parts of their sister in the text, and not the implied criticism of their own behavior.